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Any rules not listed here will revert to the most recent USSSA Rule Book


Adults must have a completed background check, or must have submitted proof of a completed background check in order to be on the field or in the dugout at MVP Sports events.

  • All coaches must be registered with MVP Sports in order to be on the field or in the dugout during any event.



Teams will ONLY be classified/re-classified based on their games played at MVP Sports events.

When initially registering a team with MVP Sports, the individual registering that team will select the class that the team belongs in.  Upon the completion of MVP Sports events, each teams scores will be entered into our team ranking system for classification/re-classification updates.  MVP Sports reserves the right to classify/re-classify teams based on their performance history in order to maintain quality competitive events.  The below criteria will be used for classification/re-classification of teams.

  • The team must have a minimum of 10 games at MVP Sports events.

    • Class A – Top 20% of points in age group

    • Class B – within 51%-80% of points in age group

    • Class C – Bottom 50% of points in age group

    • Rec – City League Teams that do not play regular tournament softball

  • OR an MVP Sports Tournament Director requests that a team be classified/re-classified before the above standard is reached.

  • If you feel that your team has been improperly classified, please reach out to your local tournament director or email for evaluation. 



  • Rosters should be submitted at least 24 hours before the first game of the tournament starts unless otherwise approved by the tournament director.  Example: if the first game of the tournament starts Saturday morning at 8:00 am, the teams roster should be submitted by Friday morning at 8:00 am.

  • Players mat not be added to the roster at anytime after the 24 hour deadline has passed unless approved by the tournament director.

  • A player may NOT compete in any MVP Sports event with more than one team during the same tournament.

  • Pickup Players/Guest Players must be listed on the team roster as a pickup player.

    • Pickup Players may NOT play down in classification or age unless previously approved by the tournament director.

      • If it is discovered that a player is playing below their classification or age requirement without prior approval from the tournament director, the team will be disqualified from the tournament, no exceptions.

  • Only MVP Sports player/team rankings/classifications are relevant. 

    • Teams found to be in violation of the above rule will immediately be disqualified from the event.


Coach Pitcher Dead Ball Rule (Coach Pitch):

  • A batted ball that makes contact with a coach pitcher will be called dead and the batter will be awarded first base.  All base runners will only advance one base if forced to do so,  otherwise they will return to the base they were occupying when the hit occurred.  If, in the judgment of the umpire, the coach pitcher intentionally allows the ball to make contact with them, the ball will be called dead, the batter will be out, and runners will NOT advance.

  • Coach Pitchers should make every attempt possible to avoid contact with the ball and any defensive players.


MVP Sports Age Qualifications:

  • Each fastpitch season runs from August 1 - July 31.

  • Birthdate qualifications run from January 1 - December 31 of each year.

  • The age of your oldest player as of December 31st will determine the age group in which you register your team.

    • If your oldest player is 10 on December 31st, then your team is eligible to play 10u for the entire season.  If the oldest player is 11 on or before December 31st, your team must play 12u for the entire season. 

  • This rule applies to all age groups in MVP Sports.




Tournament Conduct Policy


In an effort to maintain quality and safe events, it is expected that all participants and fans associated with your team conduct themselves in a courteous manner, and display the highest level of sportsmanship while attending MVP Sports Tournaments.  Abusive/Confrontational language/behavior will not be tolerated.  In the event that the umpires, umpire in charge, or tournament director feel that behavior or language becomes unacceptable, the individual/s involved will be removed from the park with no re-entry permitted.  By checking in at the tournament, you agree to abide by the tournament conduct policy.

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